PhOG, School of Marine Science, University of Maine
Physical Oceanography Group
School of Marine Sciences
University of Maine

Mooring E0503 : near mouth of Damariscotta R


Latitude: 43° 50.14´N
Longitude: 69° 34.40´W
Location Description:
Deployed: Jul 24 2019
Coast Guard Light List Letter: -
Coast Guard Light List Number 5297
Water Depth: 90 meters (295 feet)
Watch Circle Radius: 45 meters (148 feet)
Last Cell Phone Transmission: Dec 17, 12 PM EST
Last GOES Transmission: NA
Latest Event:
Jul 24, 11 AM EDT
deployed by the R/V Ira C.

Specialized Plots:
Temperature, Salinity, Density:

Text Reports: Surface, Ocean, Currents OR Data Download (All data for this location)

Sensor Information (this deployment only)

Latest Conditions:

Click on the graph icons below to see time series plots of the listed variables. The latest conditions are in local time but all plots are in GMT(Summer EDT is 4 hours behind GMT; Winter EST is 5 hours behind GMT; Atlantic AST is always 4 hours behind GMT).

We follow the convention that depth is measure positive "down". That's why parameters like wind speed have negative depths attached to them! The latest eastward and northward subsurface currents are displayed at a subset of available depths; no plots are presently available for current velocity vectors below 2m. Click here for additional Information.

Variable (measurement depth in meters) Last
Recent Data
Significant Wave Height (0m)0.1 meters (0.2 ft)Dec 17 12:00 PM
Dominant Wave Period (0m)3.6 seconds Dec 17 12:00 PM
Air Temperature (-3m)-0.7 C (30.8 F)Dec 17 12:00 PM
Wind Direction [Primary] (-3m)SouthDec 17 12:00 PM
Wind Speed [Primary] (-3m)0.4 m/s (1 mph, 1 kts)Dec 17 12:00 PM
Wind Gust [Primary] (-3m)0.7 m/s (2 mph, 1 kts)Dec 17 12:00 PM
Water Temperature (2m)1.8 C (35.3 F) Dec 17 12:00 PM
Water Temperature (2m)-0.9 C (30.5 F) Dec 17 12:00 PM
Water Temperature (5m)7.8 C (46.0 F) Dec 17 11:00 AM
Water Temperature (10m)7.8 C (46.0 F) Dec 17 11:00 AM
Water Temperature (15m)8.1 C (46.5 F) Dec 17 11:00 AM
Water Temperature (20m)8.6 C (47.5 F) Dec 17 11:00 AM
Salinity (2m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
Salinity (5m)32.0 psu Dec 17 11:00 AM
Salinity (10m)32.1 psu Dec 17 11:00 AM
Salinity (15m)32.2 psu Dec 17 11:00 AM
Salinity (20m)32.6 psu Dec 17 11:00 AM
Pressure (5m)8.6 decibars Dec 17 11:00 AM
Pressure (10m)10.0 decibars Dec 17 11:00 AM
Pressure (15m)14.8 decibars Dec 17 11:00 AM
Pressure (20m)19.3 decibars Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sigma-T (2m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
Sigma-T (5m)25.0 kg/m^3 Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sigma-T (10m)25.0 kg/m^3 Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sigma-T (15m)25.1 kg/m^3 Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sigma-T (20m)25.3 kg/m^3 Dec 17 11:00 AM
Current Direction (2m)WestDec 17 12:00 PM
Current Speed (2m)34.3 cm/s (0.67 kts)Dec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (2m)-34.2 cm/s (-0.66 kts)Dec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (5m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (6m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (7m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (8m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (9m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (10m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (11m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (12m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (13m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (14m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (15m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (16m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (18m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (19m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (20m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (21m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
East Current Velocity (22m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (2m)2.8 cm/s (0.05 kts)Dec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (5m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (6m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (7m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (8m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (9m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (10m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (11m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (12m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (13m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (14m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (15m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (16m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (18m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (19m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (20m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (21m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
North Current Velocity (22m)Sensor FailureDec 17 12:00 PM
Average Chlorophyll Concentration (5m)2.3 micrograms/liter Dec 17 11:00 AM
Average Chlorophyll Concentration (20m)9.3 micrograms/liter Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sea water Turbidity (5m)1.9 ntus Dec 17 11:00 AM
Sea water Turbidity (20m)24.4 ntus Dec 17 11:00 AM
CDOM Fluoresence (5m)16.2 ppb (QSDE) Dec 17 11:00 AM
CDOM Fluoresence (20m)1.5 ppb (QSDE) Dec 17 11:00 AM

Measured Ocean Currents and Wind Stress

Hourly averaged wind stress at 4 m and currents (rotated to true north) at 2 m (current meter) and from 10 m to a maximum of 126 m (Doppler).
Latest Month's:
This Deployment:
Entire Position History:

How to Read a Stick Plot

Wind and Residual Ocean Currents

Measured winds and currents which are low-pass filtered to remove tidal currents. Winds at 4 m above sea surface, surface currents at a depth of 2 m, and doppler currents at 4 meter bins from 10 meters to a maximum of 126 meters.
Latest Month's:
This Deployment:
Entire Position History:

How to Read a Stick Plot

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