PhOG, School of Marine Science, University of Maine Mooring I0101: Download
Physical Oceanography Group
School of Marine Sciences
University of Maine

Current Deployment Data for Buoy I0101, Instrument accelerometer

There are no accelerometers in the I0101 deployment.

Available Historical Data for Buoy Location I01, Instrument accelerometer

Listings below include NetCDF, MATLAB binary, and possibly CSV files (suitable for Excel users). The NetCDF and MATLAB files are basically equivalent, but the CSV has just about all of the metadata stripped out of it, and will not contain any multidimensional time variables. NetCDF is used for the base data archival system, and in fact the MATLAB and CSV files are generated from NetCDF.

Historical files are created from the best data from the cell phone, GOES, and post-recovery data streams. Post-recovery data is what we get directly from the instrument - when possible - after a deployment has ended.

Download Link and Size NetCDF Time Span Data Source Variables Metadata
NetCDF (8.2 MB)

Convert to CSV

2002-01-06 17:00:00
2024-05-06 16:00:00
Dominant Wave Period (0m)
Significant Wave Height (0m)

NetCDF Software and Documentation

23 May 2006: Time convention changed in netCDF files to modified Julian date (MJD) instead of Julian date. MJD starts at 1858-11-17 00:00:00. See for further information. To convert from our old Julian date to MJD: MJD=JD-2400001.0. For Matlab users, see julian.m or gregorian.m to convert to/from MJD.

Problems with the Matlab Web Interface may cause problems saving the data as Matlab files. If you run into a problem, try saving the data as CSV or use the NetCDF file. We are presently working on the problem and hope to have it solved in the near future. Please contact for further information or assistance.

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