Mooring Details: from 2022-10-18 20:53:00 to 2024-05-04 21:32:00
Time Event: 2022-10-18 20:53:00, Deployed by M/V Warren Time Event: 2022-12-10 00:00:00, battery appears to be failing, likely to be offline soon. Time Event: 2022-12-18 12:00:00, battery failure Time Event: 2023-02-09 19:30:00, battery replaced, solar panel replaced, bulkhead cables repositioned, buoy back online. Time Event: 2024-05-04 21:32:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut
Sensor Performance: From 2022-10-18 20:53:00 to 2024-05-04 21:32:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: F0133
Mooring Details: from 2020-11-10 21:53:00 to 2021-06-14 11:20:00
Time Event: 2020-11-10 21:53:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2021-06-14 11:20:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut.
Sensor Performance: From 2020-11-10 21:53:00 to 2021-06-14 11:20:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: E0137
Mooring Details: from 2018-04-23 16:00:00 to 2018-09-28 16:35:00
Time Event: 2018-04-23 16:00:00, Deployed - control box replacement from R/V Ira C Time Event: 2018-09-28 18:20:00, recovered by R/V Connecticut
Sensor Performance: From 2018-04-23 16:00:00 to 2018-09-28 18:20:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: E0136
Mooring Details: from 2017-12-09 18:15:00 to 2018-04-23 16:00:00
Time Event: 2017-12-09 18:15:00, Redeployed by R/V COnnecticut. Time Event: 2017-12-15 02:00:00, Serial data instruments becoming very intermittent (Gill, BAE GPS, Aanderaa, RDIWH, SBE37, SUNA). Time Event: 2018-03-13 12:00:00, GOES messages have been missing for some weeks, except for truncated garbled messages. Now 5:20 min late garbled messages are coming in. Time Event: 2018-04-23 16:00:00, Recovered - control box replacement from R/V Ira C
Sensor Performance: From 2017-12-09 18:15:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0135
Mooring Details: from 2015-10-26 22:11:00 to 2016-07-07 14:08:00
Time Event: 2015-10-26 18:11:00, Deployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2016-07-07 14:08:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut. Signs of apparent collision with following damage to tower: RMYoung missing tail section, Gill missing electronics, Goes antenna chipped. RDI external batt 41V.
Sensor Performance: From 2015-10-26 18:11:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: M0123
Mooring Details: from 2014-05-31 14:10:00 to 2014-09-18 16:10:00
Time Event: 2014-05-31 14:10:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut. Time Event: 2014-09-18 16:10:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut.
Sensor Performance: From 2014-05-31 14:10:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: M0122
Mooring Details: from 2013-06-23 16:34:00 to 2014-05-31 11:00:00
Time Event: 2013-06-23 16:34:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut. Time Event: 2014-03-21 12:25:00, Last backup Goes transmission received from buoy. Since the primary Iridium system failed in Jan 2014, no data are presently being received from this site. Time Event: 2014-05-06 16:15:00, Vist to buoy M01 by R/V Osprey. Considerable water found in well; battery failed. Removed control box; installed trackpack. Air, visibility and RMYoung had been damaged. Time Event: 2014-05-31 11:30:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut.
Sensor Performance: From 2013-06-23 16:34:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: M0120
Mooring Details: from 2012-04-12 22:15:00 to 2012-10-25 11:30:00
Time Event: 2012-04-12 22:15:00, Redeployed by R/V Delaware II Time Event: 2012-10-25 11:30:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut
Sensor Performance: From 2012-04-12 22:15:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: M0119
Mooring Details: from 2012-02-04 14:10:00 to 2012-04-12 16:55:00
Time Event: 2012-02-04 14:10:00, deployed by the R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2012-04-12 16:55:00, Recoverd by R/V Delaware II
Sensor Performance: From 2012-02-04 14:10:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: E0203
Mooring Details: from 2011-01-06 23:50:00 to 2011-10-07 11:00:00
Time Event: 2011-01-06 23:50:00, redeployed by R/V Argo Maine Time Event: 2011-10-07 11:00:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut. Only problem was that 50m IM had slid down the wire and was resting on the bottom fish counter (lower IM bracket missing). Time Event: 2011-10-26 12:00:00, Water found inside well (about 1 inch), leaked through gasket
Sensor Performance: From 2011-01-06 23:50:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: N0111
Mooring Details: from 2009-09-21 20:15:00 to 2010-08-01 12:30:00
Time Event: 2009-09-21 20:15:00, redeployed by R/V Argo Maine Time Event: 2010-08-01 12:30:00, Recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2009-09-21 20:15:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 150 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 150 m
Deployed on Mooring: F0118
Mooring Details: from 2008-09-26 00:08:00 to 2009-03-25 21:55:00
Time Event: 2008-09-26 00:08:00, redeployed by R.V Argo Maine Time Event: 2009-03-25 21:55:00, recovered by the R/V Delaware II
Sensor Performance: From 2008-09-26 00:08:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: N0108
Mooring Details: from 2007-09-19 16:45:00 to 2008-04-19 12:32:00
Time Event: 2007-09-19 16:42:00, Redeployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2008-04-19 12:29:00, Recovered by Phog on Delaware II
Sensor Performance: From 2007-09-19 16:42:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 100 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 100 m
Deployed on Mooring: B0113
Mooring Details: from 2006-12-15 05:40:00 to 2007-03-23 20:26:00
Time Event: 2006-12-15 05:40:00, redeployed by R/V Argo Maine Time Event: 2007-03-23 21:30:00, Mooring Recovered By R/V Delaware II
Sensor Performance: From 2006-12-15 05:40:00 to 2007-03-23 20:26:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 50 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: B0112
Mooring Details: from 2006-09-13 14:34:00 to 2006-12-15 03:45:00
Time Event: 2006-09-13 14:34:00, Redeployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2006-12-15 03:45:00, recovered by R/V Argo Maine
Sensor Performance: From 2006-09-13 14:34:00 to 2006-12-15 03:30:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 50 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: L0108
Mooring Details: from 2005-02-09 04:40:00 to 2005-10-02 02:35:00
Time Event: 2005-02-09 04:40:00, Redeployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2005-08-11 05:00:00, Cell phone calls becoming intermittent. Goes data being received okay. Time Event: 2005-10-02 02:35:00, Recovered by R/V Argo Maine
Sensor Performance: From 2005-02-09 04:40:00 to 2005-10-02 02:35:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: L0107
Mooring Details: from 2004-11-18 19:15:00 to 2005-02-09 02:10:00
Time Event: 2004-11-18 19:15:00, Mooring redeployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2004-12-27 15:00:00, Cellphone problems during stormy/cold periods. Time Event: 2005-01-21 00:00:00, Last cellphone data received from the buoy. Time Event: 2005-02-09 02:50:00, Recoverd by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2004-11-18 19:15:00 to 2005-02-09 02:50:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: N0101
Mooring Details: from 2004-06-03 20:10:00 to 2004-10-01 21:30:00
Time Event: 2004-06-03 20:05:00, Deployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2004-07-05 01:00:00, Mooring moved 200m to NW, all data continue to be okay. Time Event: 2004-10-01 21:30:00, Mooring recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2004-06-03 19:45:00 to 2004-10-01 21:30:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 180 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 180 m
Deployed on Mooring: B0103
Mooring Details: from 2002-10-02 20:05:00 to 2003-04-25 19:46:00
Time Event: 2002-10-02 20:00:00, Redeployed at site B01 Time Event: 2002-10-03 21:00:00, Goes messages are overlapping assigned time windows, according to Goes. Time Event: 2003-01-23 23:00:00, Last valid GOES buffer received (all previous messages had been overlapping the assigned window) Time Event: 2003-04-25 19:46:00, Recovered by R/V Argo Maine
Sensor Performance: From 2002-10-02 19:57:00 to 2003-04-25 19:46:00
Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 50 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: I0102
Mooring Details: from 2002-01-06 17:15:00 to 2002-07-24 09:20:00
Time Event: 2002-01-06 17:00:00, Deployed. Time Event: 2002-07-24 09:45:00, Buoy I0102 was recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2002-01-06 17:00:00 to 2002-07-24 09:45:00
Data_type: salinity and Depth: 50 m Data_type: temperature and Depth: 50 m
Non-Deployment Sensor Events:
Time Event: 2022-03-19 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: Services Performed: Performed initial diagnostic evaluation. Performed "POST" cruise calibration. Replaced conductivity cell. Replaced the O-rings. Performed a hydrostatic pressure test. Installed NEW
Time Event: 2022-03-19 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: Problems Found: Conductivity found to have high salty drift.
Time Event: 2022-01-19 12:00:00, Event: None
Time Event: 2021-06-21 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2020-09-08 12:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2020-02-12 00:00:00, Event: Out_for_Repair
Time Event: 2019-09-04 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2019-01-26 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2019-01-25 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2016-07-23 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2014-09-25 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2013-06-04 19:09:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2013-04-24 15:30:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: New IM end caps (old one had low inductance)
Time Event: 2013-01-25 00:00:00, Event: Out_for_Repair
Time Event: 2013-01-24 00:00:00, Event: Out_for_Repair
Time Event: 2012-01-25 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2011-10-25 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2010-11-09 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2009-09-08 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2009-07-01 00:00:00, Event: Out_for_Repair
Time Event: 2009-06-17 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2008-09-03 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2008-09-03 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2007-04-30 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2006-08-17 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: Calibrated
Time Event: 2006-06-15 00:00:00, Event: Out_for_Repair
Comments: Sent for Repair / Calibration
Time Event: 2005-11-09 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2004-11-05 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2004-10-22 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery
Comments: Data file downloaded
Time Event: 2004-05-04 00:00:00, Event: Prepared
Comments: Ready for deployment
Time Event: 2004-03-26 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair