Mooring Details: from 2024-08-17 02:50:00 to 2024-12-14 17:14:00
Time Event: 2024-08-17 02:50:00, deployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2024-12-14 17:14:00, recovered by R/V Connecticut
Sensor Performance: From 2024-08-17 02:50:00 to 2024-12-14 17:14:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0146
Mooring Details: from 2022-09-09 15:40:00 to 2023-09-20 16:45:00
Time Event: 2022-09-09 15:40:00, Deployed by M/V Warren Time Event: 2023-09-20 16:45:00, Recovered by M/V James Goodwin
Sensor Performance: From 2022-09-09 15:40:00 to 2023-09-20 16:45:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0141
Mooring Details: from 2019-06-01 01:21:00 to 2019-11-26 13:40:00
Time Event: 2019-06-01 01:21:00, deployed by the R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2019-07-14 01:10:00, Last cellphone connection received from buoy. Backup GOES transmissions continue to work although certain variables missing from backup data stream (50m O2). Time Event: 2019-11-26 13:40:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut. The locking rings on the SBE43 DO sensor and pump were loose; otherwise all looked okay.
Sensor Performance: From 2019-06-01 01:21:00 to 2019-11-26 13:40:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0136
Mooring Details: from 2016-07-07 20:20:00 to 2017-06-27 16:11:00
Time Event: 2016-07-07 20:20:00, deployed by the R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2016-12-10 00:00:00, Backup GOES buffers became corrupt despite valid checksums. Time Event: 2016-12-12 00:00:00, Primary cellphone tranmssions stopped from the buoy. Attempts to contact the phone were unsuccessful although phone was visible on the AT&T network. Time Event: 2016-12-15 21:06:00, Normal communications resumed from this buoy (both cell and Goes). Time Event: 2016-07-07 21:00:00, Wave direction and tilt invalid from microstrain directional wave sensor. Time Event: 2016-10-01 00:00:00, Intermittent spiking seen on primary wind sensor (Gill), generally observed at speeds > 25 kts. Time Event: 2017-06-22 18:30:00, New program loaded into control box remotely; valid accelerometer wave data being received now from this buoy. Time Event: 2017-06-27 16:11:00, recovered by the vessel Warren
Sensor Performance: From 2016-07-07 20:20:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0135
Mooring Details: from 2015-10-26 22:11:00 to 2016-07-07 14:08:00
Time Event: 2015-10-26 18:11:00, Deployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2016-07-07 14:08:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut. Signs of apparent collision with following damage to tower: RMYoung missing tail section, Gill missing electronics, Goes antenna chipped. RDI external batt 41V.
Sensor Performance: From 2015-10-26 18:11:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0133
Mooring Details: from 2014-10-25 23:32:00 to 2015-06-03 22:05:00
Time Event: 2014-10-25 23:32:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut. Time Event: 2015-01-27 19:00:00, Buoy drug anchor 100m to S during storm. Time Event: 2015-06-03 22:05:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut. RMYoung wind sensor missing; rest of sensors recovered without problems.
Sensor Performance: From 2014-10-25 23:32:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: A0131
Mooring Details: from 2013-10-29 20:42:00 to 2014-06-03 19:45:00
Time Event: 2013-10-29 20:42:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2014-06-03 19:45:00, Recovered by R/V Connecticut without problems or damage.
Sensor Performance: From 2013-10-29 20:42:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 50 m
Deployed on Mooring: C0209
Mooring Details: from 2005-06-01 05:45:00 to 2005-10-21 19:45:00
Time Event: 2005-06-01 05:45:00, Redeployed by R/V Argo Maine Time Event: 2005-10-21 19:45:00, Recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2005-06-01 05:45:00 to 2005-10-21 19:45:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: C0205
Mooring Details: from 2004-02-20 12:15:00 to 2004-10-06 22:50:00
Time Event: 2004-02-20 12:15:00, C0205 redeployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2004-02-20 12:15:00, Redployed by R/V Argo Maine. Time Event: 2004-07-30 20:00:00, Cellphone starting to become intermittent. Time Event: 2004-10-06 22:50:00, Mooring recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2004-02-20 12:15:00 to 2004-10-06 22:50:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: C0204
Mooring Details: from 2003-10-10 12:23:00 to 2004-02-20 11:38:00
Time Event: 2003-10-10 12:23:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2004-01-07 17:00:00, Cell phone started having problems. Time Event: 2004-02-20 11:15:00, C0204 recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
Sensor Performance: From 2003-10-10 12:23:00 to 2004-02-20 11:15:00
Data_type: dissolved_oxygen and Depth: 20 m
Time:2004-02-01 14:00:00, Status: 1
Comments: No data received from 20m Seacat 16+ (connector problem)