Mooring Events: B0127

2015-06-04 20:53:00 ALL 999 ALL Redeployed by R/V Connecticut.
2015-07-20 00:40:00 wind_2_speed,wind_2_gust,wind_2_direction -4 met Primary Gill wind sensor has stopped reporting good data. Wind data from the backup RMY sensor continues to be valid.
2015-09-20 09:20:00 wind_2_speed,wind_2_gust,wind_2_direction -4 met Valid data from primary Gill wind sensor is being received once again.
2015-11-20 00:00:00 current_speed 2 aanderaa Current speeds becoming erratic; need to closely monitor.
2015-12-04 23:00:00 ALL 0 goes Last backup Goes transmission received; primary cellphone communications working fine.
2016-01-13 00:00:00 transmissivity 52 sbe16 Transmissivity values starting to decrease - data questionable?
2016-02-14 10:10:00 wind_direction -4 met Backup wind direction flagged as invalid (probable icing problem with physical mount as offset is constant)
2016-07-08 01:32:00 ALL 999 ALL recovered by R/V Connecticut

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