NetCDF Metadata
netcdf C0502.aanderaa.cond.realtime {
lon = 1 ;
lat = 1 ;
depth = 1 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (4387 currently)
double lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:short_name = "lat" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:_FillValue = -999. ;
lat:valid_range = -90., 90. ;
lat:epic_code = 500 ;
lat:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:short_name = "lon" ;
lon:modulo = 360. ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:_FillValue = -999. ;
lon:valid_range = -180., 180. ;
lon:epic_code = 502 ;
lon:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
double depth(depth) ;
depth:long_name = "Depth" ;
depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
depth:short_name = "D" ;
depth:units = "meters" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
depth:_FillValue = -999. ;
depth:valid_range = -10000., 100. ;
depth:epic_code = 3 ;
depth:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "Time" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:short_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00" ;
time:_FillValue = -999. ;
time:valid_range = 0., 99999. ;
time:epic_code = 624 ;
time:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
float current_speed(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_speed:long_name = "Current Speed" ;
current_speed:standard_name = "sea_water_velocity" ;
current_speed:short_name = "CSPD" ;
current_speed:ancillary_variables = "current_speed_qc" ;
current_speed:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
current_speed:units = "cm/s" ;
current_speed:measurement_type = "Measured" ;
current_speed:instrument_range = 0.f, 300.f ;
current_speed:valid_range = 0.f, 300.f ;
current_speed:precision = 0.3 ;
current_speed:accuracy = 3. ;
current_speed:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
current_speed:calibration_coeffs = 0., 0.2933, 0., 0. ;
current_speed:epic_code = 300 ;
byte current_speed_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_speed_qc:long_name = "Current Speed Quality" ;
current_speed_qc:short_name = "CSPDQC" ;
current_speed_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
current_speed_qc:standard_name = "sea_water_velocity data_quality" ;
current_speed_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
current_speed_qc:units = "1" ;
current_speed_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
current_speed_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
current_speed_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional" ;
float current_direction(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_direction:long_name = "Current Direction" ;
current_direction:standard_name = "direction_of_sea_water_velocity" ;
current_direction:short_name = "CDIR" ;
current_direction:ancillary_variables = "current_direction_qc" ;
current_direction:_FillValue = -999.f ;
current_direction:units = "angular_degrees" ;
current_direction:measurement_type = "Measured" ;
current_direction:instrument_range = 0.f, 360.f ;
current_direction:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ;
current_direction:precision = 0.35 ;
current_direction:accuracy = 5. ;
current_direction:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
current_direction:calibration_coeffs = 0., 0.3516, 0., 0. ;
current_direction:epic_code = 310 ;
current_direction:comment = "Rotated to true north using magnetic_variation" ;
byte current_direction_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_direction_qc:long_name = "Current Direction QC" ;
current_direction_qc:short_name = "CDIRQC" ;
current_direction_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
current_direction_qc:standard_name = "direction_of_sea_water_velocity data_quality" ;
current_direction_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
current_direction_qc:units = "1" ;
current_direction_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
current_direction_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
current_direction_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional" ;
float current_u(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_u:long_name = "East Current Velocity Component" ;
current_u:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity" ;
current_u:ancillary_variables = "current_u_qc" ;
current_u:short_name = "u" ;
current_u:measurement_type = "Derived" ;
current_u:dependency = "current_speed, current_direction, current_v" ;
current_u:units = "cm/s" ;
current_u:instrument_range = -300.f, 300.f ;
current_u:valid_range = -300.f, 300.f ;
current_u:precision = 0.1 ;
current_u:accuracy = 3. ;
current_u:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
current_u:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
byte current_u_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_u_qc:long_name = "East Current Velocity Component QC" ;
current_u_qc:short_name = "UQC" ;
current_u_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
current_u_qc:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity data_quality" ;
current_u_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
current_u_qc:units = "1" ;
current_u_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
current_u_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
current_u_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional" ;
float current_v(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_v:long_name = "North Current Velocity Component" ;
current_v:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity" ;
current_v:short_name = "v" ;
current_v:ancillary_variables = "current_v_qc" ;
current_v:_FillValue = -999.f ;
current_v:units = "cm/s" ;
current_v:measurement_type = "Derived" ;
current_v:dependency = "current_speed, current_direction, current_u" ;
current_v:instrument_range = -300.f, 300.f ;
current_v:valid_range = -300.f, 300.f ;
current_v:precision = 0.1 ;
current_v:accuracy = 3. ;
current_v:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
byte current_v_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_v_qc:long_name = "North Current Velocity Component QC" ;
current_v_qc:short_name = "VQC" ;
current_v_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
current_v_qc:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity data_quality" ;
current_v_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
current_v_qc:units = "1" ;
current_v_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
current_v_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
current_v_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional" ;
float temperature(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
temperature:long_name = "Water Temperature" ;
temperature:standard_name = "sea_water_temperature" ;
temperature:short_name = "WT" ;
temperature:ancillary_variables = "temperature_qc" ;
temperature:_FillValue = -999.f ;
temperature:units = "celsius" ;
temperature:measurement_type = "Measured" ;
temperature:instrument_range = -0.64f, 32.87f ;
temperature:valid_range = -0.5f, 30.f ;
temperature:precision = 0.003 ;
temperature:accuracy = 0.05 ;
temperature:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
temperature:calibration_coeffs = -0.8014f, 0.03451f, -6.292e-06f, 4.8e-09f ;
temperature:calibration_type = "Wide Range" ;
temperature:epic_code = 20 ;
byte temperature_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
temperature_qc:long_name = "Water Temperature QC" ;
temperature_qc:short_name = "WTQC" ;
temperature_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
temperature_qc:standard_name = "sea_water_temperature data_quality" ;
temperature_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
temperature_qc:units = "1" ;
temperature_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
temperature_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
temperature_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional" ;
float conductivity(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
conductivity:standard_name = "sea_water_electrical_conductivity" ;
conductivity:long_name = "Conductivity" ;
conductivity:short_name = "COND" ;
conductivity:ancillary_variables = "conductivity_qc" ;
conductivity:_FillValue = -999.f ;
conductivity:units = "msiemens/cm" ;
conductivity:measurement_type = "Measured" ;
conductivity:calibration_coeffs = 0., 0.07324, 0., 0. ;
conductivity:instrument_range = 0.f, 60.f ;
conductivity:valid_range = 15.f, 50.f ;
conductivity:precision = 0.001 ;
conductivity:accuracy = 0.01 ;
conductivity:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
conductivity:epic_code = 51 ;
byte conductivity_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
conductivity_qc:long_name = "Conductivity QC" ;
conductivity_qc:short_name = "CONDQ" ;
conductivity_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
conductivity_qc:standard_name = "conductivity data_quality" ;
conductivity_qc:units = "1" ;
conductivity_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
conductivity_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
conductivity_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
conductivity_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional" ;
float salinity(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
salinity:long_name = "Salinity" ;
salinity:standard_name = "sea_water_salinity" ;
salinity:short_name = "SAL" ;
salinity:ancillary_variables = "salinity_qc" ;
salinity:_FillValue = -999.f ;
salinity:measurement_type = "Derived" ;
salinity:dependency = "temperature, conductivity" ;
salinity:scale_conventions = "PSS-78" ;
salinity:units = "psu" ;
salinity:valid_range = 15.f, 37.f ;
salinity:precision = 0.001 ;
salinity:accuracy = 0.01 ;
salinity:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
salinity:epic_code = 41 ;
byte salinity_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
salinity_qc:long_name = "Salinity QC" ;
salinity_qc:short_name = "WSQC" ;
salinity_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
salinity_qc:standard_name = "sea_water_salinity data_quality" ;
salinity_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
salinity_qc:units = "1" ;
salinity_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
salinity_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b ;
salinity_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional invalid_input" ;
float sigma_t(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
sigma_t:long_name = "Sigma T" ;
sigma_t:standard_name = "sea_water_density" ;
sigma_t:ancillary_variables = "sigma_t_qc" ;
sigma_t:short_name = "SIGMAT" ;
sigma_t:_FillValue = -999.f ;
sigma_t:measurement_type = "Derived" ;
sigma_t:dependency = "temperature, salinity, pressure" ;
sigma_t:valid_range = 10.f, 30.f ;
sigma_t:precision = 0.001 ;
sigma_t:accuracy = 0.01 ;
sigma_t:units = "kg/m^3" ;
sigma_t:is_dead = 57492.659722222 ;
sigma_t:epic_code = 70 ;
byte sigma_t_qc(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
sigma_t_qc:long_name = "SigmaT QC" ;
sigma_t_qc:short_name = "SIGTQC" ;
sigma_t_qc:intent = "data_quality" ;
sigma_t_qc:standard_name = "sea_water_density data_quality" ;
sigma_t_qc:units = "1" ;
sigma_t_qc:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
sigma_t_qc:_FillValue = -128b ;
sigma_t_qc:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b ;
sigma_t_qc:flag_meanings = "quality_good out_of_range sensor_nonfunctional invalid_input" ;
double time_created(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
time_created:long_name = "Time Record Created" ;
time_created:standard_name = "time_created" ;
time_created:short_name = "time_cr" ;
time_created:units = "days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00" ;
time_created:_FillValue = -999. ;
time_created:valid_range = 0., 99999. ;
double time_modified(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
time_modified:long_name = "Time Record Last Modified" ;
time_modified:standard_name = "time_modified" ;
time_modified:short_name = "time_mod" ;
time_modified:units = "days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00" ;
time_modified:_FillValue = -999. ;
time_modified:valid_range = 0., 99999. ;
// global attributes:
:title = "Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System: Realtime Buoy Observations" ;
:institution = "Department of Physical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine" ;
:institution_url = "" ;
:history = "Fri Dec 9 16:03:30 2016: ncrcat -d time,57499.70208,57727.59722\n",
"2016-06-25 16:18:43: Parameter temperature marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-15 13:11:42: Modified [lon,lat] to [-70.315409,43.476989].\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:05: Parameter current_v marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:05: Parameter current_u marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:05: Parameter sigma_t marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:03: Parameter salinity marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:03: Parameter conductivity marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:02: Parameter current_direction marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"2016-04-14 20:11:02: Parameter current_speed marked as non-functional as of julian day 57492.659722 (2016-04-14 15:50:00)\n",
"Thu Apr 14 18:14:46 2016: /usr/local/bin/ncrcat -d time,57492.659722222,57495.0\n",
"" ;
:source = "Ocean Data Acquisition Systems (ODAS) Buoy" ;
:references = "" ;
:comment = "" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:project = "EPSCoR" ;
:project_url = "" ;
:contact = ",," ;
:time_zone = "UTC" ;
:julian_day_convention = "Julian date convention begins at 00:00:00 UTC on 17 November 1858 AD" ;
:buffer_type = "aanderaa" ;
:aanderaa_serial_number = "AANSG130" ;
:aanderaa_manufacturer = "Aanderaa Instruments" ;
:aanderaa_model = "RCM9 MkII" ;
:instrument_number = 0 ;
:processing = "realtime" ;
:water_depth = 28. ;
:last_modified = "" ;
:mooring_site_id = "C0502" ;
:mooring_site_desc = "Saco Bay" ;
:breakout_id = 5 ;
:station_type = "Surface Mooring" ;
:mooring_type = "Slack" ;
:ndbc_site_id = "0" ;
:uscg_light_list_letter = "-" ;
:uscg_light_list_number = "" ;
:watch_circle_radius = 50 ;
:station_photo = "" ;
:position_datum = "WGS 84" ;
:depth_datum = "Sea Level" ;
:number_observations_per_hour = 3 ;
:number_samples_per_observation = 120 ;
:averaging_period = 2 ;
:averaging_period_units = "Minutes" ;
:clock_time = "Center of period" ;
:delta_t = 20 ;
:magnetic_variation = -15.8 ;
:goes_platform_id = "" ;
:starting_julian_day_number = 57492.6666666665 ;
:starting_julian_day_string = "2016-04-14 16:00:00" ;
:ending_julian_day_number = 57576.0694444445 ;
:ending_julian_day_string = "2016-07-07 01:40:00" ;
:algorithm_ids = "AANCM_Currents_1.5: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"AANCM_Temperature_1.5: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Conductivity_at_35PSU_15C_0P_1.2: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Salinity_1.2: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Conductivity_Ratio_1.2: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Salinity_RT_T_1.2: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Sigma_T_1.3: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42\n",
"Standard_Mean_Ocean_Water_Density_1.2: 13-Apr-2016 18:30:42" ;
:nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ;
:longitude = -70.3154088070518 ;
:latitude = 43.4769889831543 ;
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