Mooring Events: L0114

2008-02-04 08:07:00 ALL 999 ALL Redeployed by R/V Argo Maine.
2008-05-17 02:00:00 ALL 20 sbe37 Data from 20m microcat becoming intermittent.
2008-05-17 02:00:00 ALL 50 sbe37 Data from 50m microcat becoming intermittent.
2008-08-17 16:00:00 ALL 4 doppler Last data received from doppler current profiler (battery failed).
2008-09-28 22:00:00 ALL 0 ALL Buoy moved 250m to the NW during TS Kyle.
2008-09-28 23:10:00 wind_speed, wind_direction, wind_gust -4 met RMYoung wind values flagged as invalid (readings too low and erratic)
2008-10-09 21:30:00 wind_2_speed -4 met Data from primary wind sensor becoming very intermittent.
2008-10-29 16:00:00 ALL 0 diagnostics Buoy moved about 900 m to NE, still anchored.
2008-11-16 18:00:00 ALL 0 cellphone Last cellphone transmission received.
2008-11-17 01:00:00 ALL 0 goes Last goes transmission received.
2008-11-25 10:00:00 ALL 0 ALL Buoy damaged; tower missing. Last position 43 38.28N, 66 32.87W. Use caution near this location!
2009-01-17 13:00:00 ALL 999 ALL Buoy ashore on Seal Island, Nova Scotia. Tower missing; surface current meter and doppler in cage.

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