GOES vs. Cell Phone

Since the data coming back via GOES is a subset of what comes back via the cell phones, there must obviously be a reduction in the data produced. Most of this, however, comes from the reduction in the number of sensor-raw parameters reported. Not all of those quantities are required for final realtime products. The following is a breakout of those reductions by buffer for realtime products.


No difference.


There is a reduction in number of bins. Usually this is not a concern as most of the bottom doppler bins are either below the water depth or out of effective range (below about 100 meters).


Not yet transmitted via GOES.


No difference.


No difference.


No difference.


No difference.


No realtime products, so not applicable.


Usually no inherent optical property parameters can be calculated. This includes

Uncorrected Volume Scattering Function
Temperature and Salinity Corrected Absorption
Temperature and Salinity Corrected Beam Attenuation Coefficient
Volume Scattering Function
Particulate Backscattering
Absorption Coefficient
Beam Attenuation Coefficient
Phytoplankton Absorption
Tripton Absorption
Gelbstoff Absorption
Particulate Beam Attenuation Coefficient
Particulate Beam Attenuation Spectral Slope
Particulate Size Distribution Slope
Particulate Backscattering Ratio
Real Part of the Index of Refraction