
An email message should be sent to the official maintainer of the buoy processing system if a problem is encountered during the processing. The very first thing to check is whether or not the reported problem could have anything to do with wrong permissions. EVERYTHING under the ${GOMOOS_ROOT} should be owned by the gomoos user and users group. EVERYTHING.

If no updates are being made, then both the campbell and GOES ingests are not running. Obviously, if the buoy has completely failed, then neither of the ingests will proceed. Usually one or the other will fail for some reason, although repeated GOES data acquisition failures are usually indicative of a very sick buoy.

  1. If gorry cannot write to the //micmac/incoming_cellphone share (same as /data/gomoos/buoy/incoming/DATA on micmac , then there's no input for micmac to work with. Check the desktop of gorry for any error messages. Try to remount the share. This will not prevent the GOES acquisition from working, though. Check the status of the SAMBA server on micmac .

  2. If the cell phone input files are always empty, then try to phone the buoy.

  3. Check that the cron daemon on micmac is running. If it is not, obviously no processing will occur, but the cell phone input files will still accumulate.

  4. Check the email for the processing system operator. If there are severe processing errors causing either ingest to fail, then email should be being sent to this individual.

    When each ingest runs, it generates a log /data/gomoos/buoy/log/buoy.log . Checking the contents of this log may aid in determining where the processing failed.

    Check permissions on the files relating to the buoy causing the processing error. The files should all be owned by user gomoos, but writable by group users.