Mooring Details: from 2024-05-07 18:20:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Time Event: 2024-05-07 18:20:00, Deployed by R/V Connecticut
Sensor Performance: From 2024-05-07 18:20:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: B0133
Mooring Details: from 2019-06-01 17:05:00 to 2020-09-14 19:19:00
Time Event: 2019-06-01 17:05:00, deployed by the R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2020-09-14 19:19:00, recovered by the R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2020-01-23 15:04:00, cellphone failed, last cellphone data received, cause unknown
Sensor Performance: From 2019-06-01 17:05:00 to 2020-09-14 19:19:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 20 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 20 m
Deployed on Mooring: N0116
Mooring Details: from 2013-06-21 19:32:00 to 2017-10-24 14:30:00
Time Event: 2013-06-21 19:32:00, Redeployed by R/V Connecticut Time Event: 2013-07-10 00:00:00, Last data received from N0116's data logger (both iridium and goes) Time Event: 2014-01-02 23:30:00, Buoy has broken free from its anchor and is adrift. Data from its sensors are still being processed while the buoy is drifting. Time Event: 2013-07-10 17:00:00, Communications re-established with buoy (both iridium and Goes). Time Event: 2017-10-24 14:30:00, Buoy and instruments finally recovered by R/V Atlantic Explorer (Bermuda).
Sensor Performance: From 2013-06-21 19:32:00 to 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Data_type: temperature and Depth: 50 m Data_type: conductivity and Depth: 50 m
Non-Deployment Sensor Events:
Time Event: 2022-03-19 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: Services Requested: SERVICE37 REPLACEAF
Time Event: 2022-03-19 00:00:00, Event: In_from_Repair
Comments: Performed initial diagnostic evaluation. Performed "POST" cruise calibration. Replaced the O-rings. Performed a hydrostatic pressure test. Installed NEW AF24173 Anti-foulant cylinder(s).
Time Event: 2022-01-19 12:00:00, Event: None
Time Event: 2020-11-27 00:00:00, Event: Post-Recovery