Pre-Deployment Setup

The following web forms available from the PhOG local page must be completed for each new buoy. These forms are necessary to get the correct sensor serial numbers and metadata needed for the netCDF files. These forms must be filled out BEFORE the processing can begin in test mode for a new buoy. These are usually done several weeks before a deployment. If a cruise in underway and something like an aanderaa is swapped out on an existing mooring (which has distinct sensor calibration information with each sensor), we will need to increment the buoy ID and the previous forms listed below need to be edited for the new mooring id as well as any sensor changes.


  1. mooring_plan: list of all instrument serial numbers, sensor depths, and sampling information

  2. umecb_pre: list of all control box component s/n, goes id, cell-phone call in time.

  3. config_mooring: general mooring information (anchor weight, wire length, scope, etc).

  4. config_buoy: serial numbers of buoy equipment (solar panels, batteries, antennas, lamp, etc).

  5. config_cables: this can technically be done any time prior to deployment but it's probably best to do this with the other forms.

  6. Once the forms are completed, you can set up the buoy in test mode by logging into monitor.php and clicking on 'TEST' on the page footer. Enter the mooring_id, and estimated deployment date (leave 'project' as gomoos_control). This form will make an entry in gomoos_control.mooring for the new deployment id with status='T' (for test) and an entry in gomoos_processing.mooring for the new deployment_id with status='N' (for not active). It is important to make sure that the status is correct for both mooring tables or the invalid test data may be released to GoMoos, NWS or the general public...

The above forms will enable the netCDF files to be updated with the specific information needed for the following :

  1. The GOES platform ID and the GOES binary file layout for the particular buoy. This may modifying the mretrieve_goes_buffers.m routine.

  2. RDI doppler processing has no special requirements other than the correct number of doppler bins and the depths be properly set in the NetCDF files. This is usually a concern only for the GOES doppler processing, as the campbell logger usually accounts for the full 30 bins..

    1. The met buffer contains the barometric pressure counts which need to be converted to pressure readings. There are 3 different sets of calibrations which need to be determined.

      • Control Box pressure cals (determined by engineering group for each control box A/D). These are stored instruments.control_box_pressure_cals.

      • Barometric pressure cals (from manufacturer's latest pressure cal). These are stored in instruments.sensor_setpr_cals.

      • Secondary pressure cals (nominally 1,0). These are the final 'fudge' factor which may be applied to make sure that the computed pressure matches nearby buoys.

    The SBE16 plus usually has either an optional C Star transmissometer (buoy K) or an oxygen sensor (A and C), which require several calibration coefficients and extra parameters each. The manual for each instrument should provide the calibration coefficients. The oxygen calibrations are stored in the mysql table instruments.sbe02_cals.

    Table 1. SBE16plus Requirements

    RequirementDescriptionNetCDF ConstructSED Script Tag
    Boc oxygen current biasdissolved_oxygen:Boc SBE16_BOC
    Soc oxygen current slope dissolved_oxygen:Soc SBE16_SOC
    tcor temperature correction factor for membrane permeabilitydissolved_oxygen:TCor SBE16_TCOR
    pcor pressure correction factor for membrane permeabilitydissolved_oxygen:PCor SBE16_PCOR
    offset voltage produced for zero oxygen current dissolved_oxygen:offset SBE16_OXOFFSET
    Vd analog output voltage of the instrument with the beam blocked. transmissivity:Vd V_DARK
    Vair analog output voltage of the instrument with a cleared beam path transmissivity:Vair V_AIR
    Vref analog output voltage of the instrument with clean water in the path transmissivity:Vref V_REF
    path length Optical path length, usually 0.10 or 0.25 m. This is not set at the factory. transmissivity:pathlength PATHLENGTH
    Transmissometer Serial number Serial number of the transmissometer {transmissivity,c}:sensor_sn TRANSMISSOMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER
    Instrument Number Id of the instrument as identified by the campbell logger. For an SBE16 plus, this is usually 11 or 12. It is required in order to load the SBE16 NetCDF files into the database. global attributes:instrument_NUMBER SBE16_INSTRUMENT_NUMBER
    Instrument Depth The SBE16 has gone in at 10, 15, 20, and 50 meters depth, so this is not hard coded. Value of depth variable. SBE16_DEPTH

  3. All the optics instruments (OCR504, OCR507, AC9, VSF, and DFLS) come with calibration files and tables. These need to be tested and loaded into the proper locations. The m-files to test the calibration files are

    • ReadDFLScal

    • ReadOCRcal

    • ReadVSF3cal

    • ReadAC9cal

    The directories under which these should be stored is ${DATA_ROOT}/ancillary/optics/Calibrations

  4. If an Aanderaa current meter is part of the deployment plan (usually it is for all buoys), then the following calibration parameters are required. These are stored in the mysql table instruments.sensor_aancm_cals.

    Table 2. Aanderaa Current Meter Requirements

    RequirementDescriptionNetCDF AttributeSED Script Tag
    Aanderaa Wide Range Temperature Calibrations Calibration coefficients to turn raw temperature counts into celsius. It is always the wide range set of calibrations. temperature:calibration_coefs AANDERAA_WT_CALIBRATION
    Aanderaa Serial number Serial number of the Aanderaa current meter global attributes:aanderaa_serial_number AANDERAA_SERIAL_NUMBER
    There are also calibration coefficients for the current speed and direction, but these coefficients have thusfar remained the same for all deployments, so they are currently hardwired into the CDL files.

  5. If an SBE16 or SBE1603 is part of the deployment plan, the instrument_number must be determined. This id is in the 2nd column in the Campbell data stream and seems to usually be 11 or 12.