netcdf {
lon = 1 ;
lat = 1 ;
rdi_depth = 1 ;
depth = 30 ;
beam = 4 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (4677 currently)
double lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:short_name = "lat" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:scale_factor = 1. ;
lat:add_offset = 0. ;
lat:_FillValue = -999. ;
lat:valid_range = -90., 90. ;
lat:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
lat:epic_code = 500 ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:short_name = "lon" ;
lon:modulo = 360. ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:scale_factor = 1. ;
lon:add_offset = 0. ;
lon:_FillValue = -999. ;
lon:valid_range = -180., 180. ;
lon:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
lon:epic_code = 502 ;
double rdi_depth(rdi_depth) ;
rdi_depth:long_name = "Depth" ;
rdi_depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
rdi_depth:short_name = "D" ;
rdi_depth:units = "meters" ;
rdi_depth:positive = "down" ;
rdi_depth:scale_factor = 1. ;
rdi_depth:add_offset = 0. ;
rdi_depth:_FillValue = -999. ;
rdi_depth:valid_range = -10000., 100. ;
rdi_depth:Comment = "Coordinate variable, depth of RDI on mooring" ;
rdi_depth:epic_code = 3 ;
short beam(beam) ;
beam:long_name = "Beam" ;
beam:short_name = "B" ;
beam:units = "none" ;
beam:scale_factor = 1. ;
beam:add_offset = 0. ;
beam:_FillValue = -999s ;
beam:valid_range = 1s, 4s ;
beam:Comment = "Coordinate Variable" ;
double depth(depth) ;
depth:long_name = "Depth" ;
depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
depth:short_name = "D" ;
depth:units = "meters" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
depth:scale_factor = 1. ;
depth:add_offset = 0. ;
depth:_FillValue = -999. ;
depth:valid_range = -10000., 100. ;
depth:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
depth:epic_code = 3 ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "Time" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:short_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since -4713-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:scale_factor = 1. ;
time:add_offset = 0. ;
time:_FillValue = -999. ;
time:valid_range = 0., 2460000. ;
time:Comment = "Coordinate variable" ;
time:epic_code = 624 ;
short ensemble_number(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
ensemble_number:long_name = "Ensemble Number" ;
ensemble_number:short_name = "E" ;
ensemble_number:scale_factor = 1. ;
ensemble_number:add_offset = 0. ;
ensemble_number:units = "none" ;
ensemble_number:valid_range = 0s, 32767s ;
ensemble_number:_FillValue = -9999s ;
short pitch(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
pitch:long_name = "INST Pitch" ;
pitch:short_name = "PTCH" ;
pitch:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
pitch:add_offset = 0. ;
pitch:units = "none" ;
pitch:valid_range = -32767s, 32767s ;
pitch:_FillValue = -32768s ;
pitch:epic_code = 1216 ;
short roll(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
roll:long_name = "INST Roll" ;
roll:short_name = "Roll" ;
roll:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
roll:add_offset = 0. ;
roll:units = "none" ;
roll:valid_range = -32767s, 32767s ;
roll:_FillValue = -32768s ;
roll:epic_code = 1217 ;
short heading(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
heading:long_name = "Inst Heading" ;
heading:short_name = "Hdg" ;
heading:scale_factor = 0.1 ;
heading:add_offset = 0. ;
heading:units = "none" ;
heading:valid_range = 0s, 3600s ;
heading:_FillValue = -32768s ;
heading:epic_code = 1215 ;
short pitch_std(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
pitch_std:long_name = "Pitch Standard Deviation" ;
pitch_std:short_name = "PSTD" ;
pitch_std:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
pitch_std:add_offset = 0. ;
pitch_std:units = "none" ;
pitch_std:valid_range = -32767s, 32767s ;
pitch_std:_FillValue = -32768s ;
pitch_std:epic_code = 1219 ;
short roll_std(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
roll_std:long_name = "Roll Standard Deviation" ;
roll_std:short_name = "RSTD" ;
roll_std:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
roll_std:add_offset = 0. ;
roll_std:units = "none" ;
roll_std:valid_range = -32767s, 32767s ;
roll_std:_FillValue = -32768s ;
roll_std:epic_code = 1220 ;
short heading_std(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
heading_std:long_name = "Heading Standard Deviation" ;
heading_std:short_name = "HSTD" ;
heading_std:scale_factor = 0.1 ;
heading_std:add_offset = 0. ;
heading_std:units = "none" ;
heading_std:valid_range = 0s, 3600s ;
heading_std:_FillValue = -32768s ;
heading_std:epic_code = 1218 ;
float temperature(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
temperature:long_name = "Water Temperature" ;
temperature:short_name = "WT" ;
temperature:scale_factor = 1. ;
temperature:add_offset = 0. ;
temperature:_FillValue = -999.f ;
temperature:units = "celsius" ;
temperature:valid_range = -0.5f, 30.f ;
temperature:epic_code = 20 ;
float salinity(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
salinity:long_name = "Salinity" ;
salinity:short_name = "SAL" ;
salinity:scale_factor = 1. ;
salinity:add_offset = 0. ;
salinity:_FillValue = -999.f ;
salinity:units = "psu" ;
salinity:valid_range = 1000s, 3000s ;
salinity:epic_code = 41 ;
float pressure(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
pressure:long_name = "Pressure" ;
pressure:short_name = "P" ;
pressure:scale_factor = 1. ;
pressure:add_offset = 0. ;
pressure:_FillValue = -999.f ;
pressure:units = "decapascals" ;
pressure:valid_range = 0.f, 4.294e+08f ;
float pressure_variance(time, rdi_depth, lat, lon) ;
pressure_variance:long_name = "Pressure Variance" ;
pressure_variance:short_name = "PV" ;
pressure_variance:scale_factor = 1. ;
pressure_variance:add_offset = 0. ;
pressure_variance:_FillValue = -999.f ;
pressure_variance:units = "decapascals" ;
pressure_variance:valid_range = 0.f, 4.294e+08f ;
short current_u(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_u:long_name = "East Velocity Component" ;
current_u:short_name = "U" ;
current_u:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
current_u:add_offset = 0. ;
current_u:units = "m/s" ;
current_u:valid_range = -1000s, 1000s ;
current_u:_FillValue = -9999s ;
short current_v(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
current_v:long_name = "North Velocity Component" ;
current_v:short_name = "V" ;
current_v:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
current_v:add_offset = 0. ;
current_v:units = "m/s" ;
current_v:valid_range = -1000s, 1000s ;
current_v:_FillValue = -9999s ;
short up(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
up:long_name = "Current Vertical Speed" ;
up:short_name = "UP" ;
up:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
up:add_offset = 0. ;
up:_FillValue = -9999s ;
up:units = "m/s" ;
up:valid_range = -1000s, 1000s ;
up:epic_code = 1204 ;
short error_velocity(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
error_velocity:long_name = "Error Velocity" ;
error_velocity:short_name = "Werr" ;
error_velocity:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
error_velocity:add_offset = 0. ;
error_velocity:_FillValue = -9999s ;
error_velocity:units = "m/s" ;
error_velocity:valid_range = -1000s, 1000s ;
error_velocity:epic_code = 1201 ;
short correlation(time, beam, depth, lat, lon) ;
correlation:long_name = "ADCP Beam Correlation" ;
correlation:short_name = "CORR" ;
correlation:scale_factor = 1. ;
correlation:add_offset = 0. ;
correlation:_FillValue = -999s ;
correlation:units = "counts" ;
correlation:valid_range = -127s, 127s ;
short echo_intensity(time, beam, depth, lat, lon) ;
echo_intensity:long_name = "Beam Echo Intensity" ;
echo_intensity:short_name = "E" ;
echo_intensity:scale_factor = 1. ;
echo_intensity:add_offset = 0. ;
echo_intensity:_FillValue = -999s ;
echo_intensity:units = "AGC Counts" ;
echo_intensity:valid_range = 0s, 255s ;
echo_intensity:comment = "No. of pings returned at each time and depth, proportional to decibels" ;
short percent_good(time, beam, depth, lat, lon) ;
percent_good:long_name = "Percent Good Along Beams" ;
percent_good:short_name = "PG" ;
percent_good:scale_factor = 1. ;
percent_good:add_offset = 0. ;
percent_good:_FillValue = -999s ;
percent_good:units = "%" ;
percent_good:valid_range = 0s, 100s ;
// global attributes:
:title = "Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System: Realtime Buoy Observations" ;
:institution = "Department of Physical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine_NAME" ;
:institution_url = "Department of Physical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine_URL" ;
:history = "" ;
:source = "surface observation" ;
:references = "" ;
:comment = "processed with MATLAB" ;
:latitude = 43.714451 ;
:longitude = -69.359253 ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:project = "GoMOOS" ;
:project_url = "" ;
:contact = ",," ;
:time_zone = "UTC" ;
:julian_day_convention = "Julian date convention starts at 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 4713 BC" ;
:buffer_type = "doppler" ;
:instrument_number = 0 ;
:processing = "post-recovery-sensor-raw" ;
:mooring_site_id = "E0105" ;
:mooring_site_desc = "Central Maine Shelf" ;
:water_depth = 100 ;
:breakout_id = 2 ;
:delta_t = 60 ;
:magnetic_variation = -17.8 ;
:last_mysql_update_index = -1 ;
:starting_julian_day_number = 2452531.78888889 ;
:starting_julian_day_string = "2002-9-13 18:56:00" ;
:ending_julian_day_number = 2452726.62222222 ;
:ending_julian_day_string = "2003-3-27 14:56:00" ;
:name = "wh-adcp" ;
:prog_ver = 16.16 ;
:config = "01000001-11001010" ;
:beam_angle = 20. ;
:beam_freq = 300. ;
:beam_pattern = "convex" ;
:orientation = "up" ;
:simflag = "real" ;
:n_beams = 4. ;
:n_cells = 30. ;
:pings_per_ensemble = 170. ;
:cell_size = 4. ;
:blank = 1.76 ;
:prof_mode = 1. ;
:corr_threshold = 64. ;
:n_codereps = 9. ;
:min_pgood = 0. ;
:evel_threshold = 2000. ;
:time_between_ping_groups = 2.7 ;
:coord = "00011111" ;
:coord_sys = "earth" ;
:use_pitchroll = "yes" ;
:use_3beam = "yes" ;
:bin_mapping = "yes" ;
:xducer_misalign = 0. ;
:sensors_src = "01011101" ;
:sensors_avail = "00011101" ;
:bin1_dist = 6.22 ;
:xmit_pulse = 4.42 ;
:water_ref_cells = 1., 5. ;
:fls_target_threshold = 50. ;
:xmit_lag = 0.5 ;
:serialnum = 136., 0., 0., 2., 0., 80., 69., 9. ;
:sysbandwidth = 0., 0. ;
:syspower = 255. ;
:ranges = 6.22, 10.22, 14.22, 18.22, 22.22, 26.22, 30.22, 34.22, 38.22, 42.22, 46.22, 50.22, 54.22, 58.22, 62.22, 66.22, 70.22, 74.22, 78.22, 82.22, 86.22, 90.22, 94.22, 98.22, 102.22, 106.22, 110.22, 114.22, 118.22, 122.22 ;
lat = 43.714451 ;
lon = -69.359253 ;
rdi_depth = 4 ;
beam = 1, 2, 3, 4 ;
depth = 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74,
78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, 102, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126 ;