function oxygen = sbe16p_dissolved_oxygen ( Soc, offset, Boc, TCor, Pcor, p, volts, t, s, oxsat )
% SBE16P_DISSOLVED_OXYGEN: Compute dissolved oxygen product for SBE 16plus SEACAT.
% From the manual, "Sea-Bird uses a slightly modified version of the algorithm by Owens
% and Millard (1985) to convert SBE 43 oxygen sensor data to oxygen concentration. The
% Sea-Bird algorithm incorporates a term related to the offset voltage produced for zero
% oxygen current. In addition, a modification to the Boc term is required, because the SBE 43
% output is temperature compensated by exp(-0.03T) [ i.e. Tcor = -0.03 ].
% Output:
% oxygen: dissolved oxygen (ml/l)
% Input:
% First five cals:
% soc
% offset
% boc
% tcor
% Pcor
% pressure
% volts:
% t,s: temperature and salinity
% oxsat: saturated oxygen (must be computed)
% Application Note NO. 64
% SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
% Dated March 2001
oxygen = (Soc * (volts + offset) + Boc*exp(-0.03*t)).*exp(TCor*t + Pcor*p).*oxsat;