function [u, v, cspd, cdir] = cadcp2currents ( cu_counts, cv_counts, magnetic_variation )
% CADCP2CURRENTS: calculate current parameters from Campbell buffer
% When the current observations are transferred from the Workhorse to the Campbell, they
% are reported as two-byte, two's compliment integers [-32768, 32767], least significant
% byte first. We reverse this process. Also, the observations are made in units of mm/s,
% which we convert to cm/s.
% USAGE: [u, v, cspd, cdir] = cadcp2currents ( cu_counts, cv_counts, mag_var );
% Input:
% cu_counts, cv_counts:
% velocity sensor values as reported by Campbell
% magnetic_variation:
% correction factor for directions
% Output:
% u, v:
% East and north velocity components in cm/s
% cspd, cdir:
% speed and direction in cm/s, angular degrees
% Reference:
% Workhorse Accoustic Doppler Current Profiler Technical Manual, Appendix D, Table D-4
[r,c] = size(cu_counts);
% Two's compliment processing on current data.
x = dec2hex(cu_counts);
y = [x(:,3:4) x(:,1:2)];
z = hex2dec(y);
% find the negative velocities.
ind = find(z>32767);
z(ind) = (65536 - z(ind))*-1;
z = z/10;
% restore to original matrix size.
unew = reshape(z, r, c);
% Two's compliment processing on current data.
x = dec2hex(cv_counts);
y = [x(:,3:4) x(:,1:2)];
z = hex2dec(y);
% find the negative velocities.
ind = find(z>32767);
z(ind) = (65536 - z(ind))*-1;
z = z/10;
% restore to original matrix size.
vnew = reshape(z, r, c);
% now rotate to true north (add in magnetic variation).
% no longer need to do in the process_filtered_doppler.m
cspd = sqrt ( u.^2 + v.^2 );
cdir = 90 - atan2(v,u)*180/pi;
return; |