EcOHAB August 2000 Mooring Recovery Cruise

13 - 16 August 2000

CTD Data Collected:

Summary of Operations

EventDateTime UTCLatitudeLongitudeComments
Depart Boothbay08/13/0020:00--Start of CH-17
Recover USGS01 Mooring08/13/0022:0043° 36.67´N 69° 51.89´WCTD#1
Recover Mussel Mooring-308/13/0002:4043° 22.37´N 69° 15.76´WCTD#2
Recover USGS-708/13/0010:3843° 30.77´N67° 36.71´WCTD#3
Recover USGS Mini-Pod08/13/0013:0043° 30.83´N67° 36.68´W-
Recover ECH-6108/13/0017:4044° 06.42´N68° 06.00´WCTD#4
Recover ECH-5108/13/0021:1043° 53.90´N68° 38.25´WCTD#5
Recover ECH-4108/14/0000:1543° 45.28´N68° 31.33´WCTD#6
Recover USGS-208/14/0012:2543° 42.03´N69° 21.29´WCTD#7
Recover USGS-308/14/0014:2043° 31.34´N69° 18.02´WCTD#8
End of Operations08/14/0015:35--
Arrive Woods Hole08/16/0010:00--End of CH-17

Scientific Party:

Rick Signell, Chief ScientistUSGS
John BorlandUSGS
Jason HyattUSGS
Neal PettigrewU. Maine
Dave TownsendU. Maine
John WallingaU. Maine
Linda MangumU. Maine
John SpiersU.Maine